Thursday, March 10, 2011

Canine Canine Tooth Extraction


From the modest and only if you allow me I hang that label, of course. And today I was the guest of poetry that makes space within the magazine LleixĂ  Josep "Ona to take" leading Sonia Ferrer. And he was back in Ona because Josep La Torre has been kind enough to invite me. We talked, we read poems, we laughed ... and I'm going home with a handful of poems that has given me and degustarĂ© Josep tonight before going to sleep. It was nice to talk writers and writing to two people who write and love reading and books as I do. I liked that the subject was poetry and I do not usually flirt too much with it, only occasionally read a book of poems. About me yet still costs me a bit. I never know what may or may not be interested. But it's great to think out loud about things that one usually has in his head and rarely has the opportunity to verbalize. With all this half hour of time I have spent has flown by. How cool! Photo ©


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