Thursday, March 31, 2011

Best Low End Esspresso Machine

Today I was in the headquarters of Random House with Jordi Sierra i Fabra to interview for "Five days of October," his new book (one of them because he is promoting several at once, this man is a wonder) . After four or five times have coincided can already say that we are old acquaintances. "I told you I would seek an excuse to see you," I said, and Jordan has answered me, "You know that you needed excuses and you can come whenever you want to see me." It seems silly but I loved it. In a few days you can read the full interview. A real luxury for a while to chat with this writer in nearly 40 year career and has more than 400 books published, there is ná.

Live Free Whats Barcelona Vs Real

a pirate ...

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Much Is A Weave Cost

new outlet hub MURCIA

Today we change the picture to tell you that we have a new outlet ... and not tell me that the logo of the Carmen Store is not beautiful, I love it!
But beware, this store is not a franchise. Stork

C / Manfredi, No. 1

Carmen Murcia from Baby Baball wish you all the best in the beginning.

Lauren Londons Real Hair


be back Monday and I start outlining three books. Happy because today I was four years ago Mom and tired because the weekend I have worked. On Saturday we did the take off your league and football and had not met the other people who make up the team that made the program during the two summer months there will be no day of league. Very good vibes and good feelings. Tired after four hours of rigorous direct addition of 8 to 12 at night, but happy. It beggars belief that we were listening to people from all over Spain. The truth is that today I have the feeling that nothing has happened. Same I dreamed up.
And this week if things go wrong I have interviewed reunion Jordi Sierra i Fabra and radio Friday charlaré with Care Santos. Thursday also "When roars the scrum, of course. To see where I get out time to write.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Vsp Insurance Can You Have Double Coverage

chloe ... Alex and his train

Carmen wanted to make a special gift to Chloe so once I told him all he had options for put in the bucket ... chose a pair of hangers and a bib chupetero cube that was placed in his way.
already told me that both her sister and she loved it! I'm so glad!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Worlds Sharpest Chefs Knife

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Song On Comedy Central Adverts 2010


The debut Saturday as fellow members in the "Take off your league" on Onda Cero, this time in the country. Still only one day but all indications are that this summer will do the same for the two months that there is no football league that is when the program actually airs. From eight o'clock in the afternoon until twelve at night I'll be a person who is in the throughout the broadcast studio in addition to my books section. Saturday recommend three readings. Looks like I'm destined to the radio. We'll see how this develops. Wish me luck.

How To Congratulate When Someone Gets A Kid

to save ...


wanted to give something to the profs in the store so well looked after her little ....
I sent a mail in detail, if you were blonde, brunette, short hair, long, thin, bespectacled ... all different ... so I started to work and here are all colocaditas ...
I said you've loved .. I hope the profs as well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

2007 Harris Float Boat


long time no update .. but is that whether we are at top ... and if today we come back CONUN new store and we as always contentísimosss. Thank
Julia, we are delighted starting a new journey of Namalú you. Thanks also to Chity, of course!

Already we can find in
C / Real, 63
28691 Villanueva de la Cañada Madrid

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Is The Ph For Dry Hair


has behind him a handful of books published and is not easy to cultivate a genre like the humor. The writer Cantavella Jordi Barcelona is also one of the owners of the Mythical Astrolabi, a cultural landmark in the neighborhood of Gràcia. And I was lucky enough to take me some tapas with him on Friday while we put the literary world upside down and we told old battles and rushes, I guess also occasional lie hehe. Jordi and I met some time ago in the book's presentation of Care Santos "The roaring". Since then we have met once and I had the good fortune to read some of his works. A luxury and concerns to share moments with people like him.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sani And Mangal In Kundli


Photo © Chris Monteoliva.
For that, I debuted as a reviewer on the web literary Monteoliva Cristina,, and the best: Care outlining Santos closed rooms. Hope you like it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pregnanvy Test Day Period Is Due

Nine years ago on a day like today, March 13 came to the world a beautiful Belgian shepherd puppy in Sant Boi de Llobregat. He and his five siblings were children of the first litter of You and Chica. Its owners decided to keep one of the five dogs and give the rest to families and responsible animal lovers who have a good garden houses. Max, Max, but then there was the puppy of the red ribbon was chosen but the girls in the family becomes infatuated with one of his brothers, the more fat, and he was assigned to other owners.
But fate, luck or chance that the person was going to stay with him at the end and was unable to do so and came to me. Thanks to a sign hanging in a mall in Sant Cugat, where I lived then, I knew I feasted Belgian shepherd puppies. I called and everything else was easy. To love and take care. Teach. Animal is a loyal, affectionate and intelligent that takes me almost a decade and has lived with me some of the toughest moments and most important of my life. Lluna introduce my daughter is one of the most moving and beautiful things I have experienced in my life. It's a family member, I know that would die for us and I can not imagine life without him. This, surely, is difficult to understand for someone who has not ever had a dog. Someone who can not appreciate his presence and his warmth, his friendship, his fidelity. But I can tell you that Max is one of the best things that have happened in life. I love you Max. Congratulations, bold.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Canine Canine Tooth Extraction


From the modest and only if you allow me I hang that label, of course. And today I was the guest of poetry that makes space within the magazine Lleixà Josep "Ona to take" leading Sonia Ferrer. And he was back in Ona because Josep La Torre has been kind enough to invite me. We talked, we read poems, we laughed ... and I'm going home with a handful of poems that has given me and degustaré Josep tonight before going to sleep. It was nice to talk writers and writing to two people who write and love reading and books as I do. I liked that the subject was poetry and I do not usually flirt too much with it, only occasionally read a book of poems. About me yet still costs me a bit. I never know what may or may not be interested. But it's great to think out loud about things that one usually has in his head and rarely has the opportunity to verbalize. With all this half hour of time I have spent has flown by. How cool! Photo ©

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is Spring Pole More Effective When Dogs Swing


A great day is today. Nothing better to celebrate the International Day Women who share a great woman and best writer: Care Santos. Today was presented in Barcelona closed rooms "and the editorial Metro made a presentation to the media at the height of this piece of book. And there was Care, glowing, overflowing happiness. And no wonder. The presentation began with a wonderful breakfast in the bakery Escribà of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen we visited the cemetery where he is buried Poblenou one of the protagonists of the novel. And to finish lunch at the "Set size", famous restaurant in the city. Fantastic, almost as much as the book.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cherry Angioma Turning Black


Congratulations to all women world. Thanks to all the men who make it possible for PAR is every day closer to no longer be a dream. That on March 8 also serve to remind all those women who suffer from the fact of being.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Connecting Fan To Xbox 360 Dvd

always say that the craft of writing has a long waiting times are longer than others (do not know wrong tell me again). A book written in 2009 is publishing in 2010 but due to the editorial agendas and conventional publishing processes will be released in 2012. It is perfectly normal unless you're a writer of those to whom they take off their hands and books for those before you have finished writing and are leaking from the presses. It is my case. Not taking away the books of the hands, not the other. More than I wanted. So I'm immersed in waiting. Are about nine months, a real pregnancy.
But this waiting can not be idle, no, or joke. Further work in the profession and vocation. Onda Cero Tomorrow Tree interviewed Victor is going strong with his novel "The sadness of the samurai." Next week playing white week, brainchild of a Councillor of the Government which translates to me within a week without cole and the dwarf at home. I hope I survive. On Tuesday, with any luck I will be presenting a very interesting book and special. On Thursday, I revisit Ona The Tower always I keep a good memory now and then have to refresh. And little by little.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Women Nylon Feet Drive


Ana de papel

In one of these sessions we started preparing the dressing room and ended at midnight.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Happens If Ticket In Ohio

paper a few months ago and ...

, originally uploaded by Socay .
few months ago and I shot this photo but today I wanted to share.